Azam Saeed Author

Book Description

A stirring exploration of why humanity is caught in a cycle of conflict and crisis driven by global power struggles and institutional decay. With an insightful analysis, the author highlights avenues that would lead us towards a more peaceful future.

From the war in Afghanistan to the polarization of the American electorate, sociopolitical issues dominating the headlines often appear to be rooted in emotionally charged and politicized identities that are too often used as tools of exploitation and control instead of empowerment and freedom. This book inspires readers to ask intricate questions by unravelling the complex web of geopolitics, politico-economic systems, and religion—artfully bringing out the hidden sources that lie at the core of world’s problems.

In this thoroughly researched and hopeful examination inspired by Rev. Martin Luther King’s call for a radical revolution of values, the author guides readers through a worldly and spiritual voyage, taking a deep dive into the holy scriptures of various religions and their guiding light to move towards justice, peace, and global harmony.

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International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


978 1 61153 501 3


978 1 61153 482 5


978 1 61153 501 3